THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY: Psycho-Pass Season 1

“In order to measure a person’s worth, you must do more than push them. The real way to test their worth is to give them power. When they gain the freedom to act outside the boundaries of law and ethics, you can sometimes see their souls.” – Shogo Makishima

For fans of The Blade Runner and the Minority Report, this is an anime that you will surely fall head-over-heels for.

Going in, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was just checking around Netflix, trying to find a new show to binge-watch, when I came across Psycho-Pass. Based on the synopsis on Netflix, you don’t get a lot of what it was about – Boy, was I surprised to see that this was more than just your regular anime.

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THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY: The Witcher Season 1

thewitcherSo that was surprising. I did not expect to love this series to be completely honest.

I love fantasy. Whether it’s a book, a TV series, movies, or whatever – I eat them up – but The Witcher was never in my radar until I saw the trailer with fucking Henry Cavill, clad in all black with elvish white hair; Damn. How can you resist watching that?

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So yeah. I watched this after the hype has gone down a bit because that’s just how I am. I tend to not like watching stuff that are so hyped up, because sometimes I fear I will get pressured into liking it because everyone does.

So anyways, like I said, I finally watched it.

This was how I looked like after the first episode.

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