That day,

That day you told me about her

Was the day everything came crumbling down on me.

I couldn’t speak.

I couldn’t breath.

I couldn’t cry.

All that was running through my mind was that moment.

The moment you confessed about everything,

Breaking my heart into a million little pieces.

You told me you didn’t mean to.

You said you didn’t want it to happen.

It doesn’t matter.

None of it matters.

It’s all done.

What else can you say?

What else can you do to mend back the fragments of my trampled heart?

I tried though.

I really did.

I forgave you.

I tried to forget.

We tried to stay together.

We tried to fix the damage.

We tried to bandage the wound that refused to close.

But it just wouldn’t.

The more we tried to heal it,

The more torn up it becomes.

Nothing really changed.

You were still the same.

You used the same excuses,

I couldn’t take it anymore.

Feelings of hate, sadness, and bitterness crept over me.

I couldn’t look at you.

I couldn’t look at what we’ve become,

A shattered image of something that was once vibrant and whole.

Shadows of unhappiness and loneliness swallowed my entire being.

Tears won’t even fall anymore.

There wasn’t any tears left to fall.

All my feelings of love,

Slowly withered away like the leaves in autumn.

The cold winter engulfed me,

Freezing my heart in a suspended state of distrust.

That was when I knew,

No matter what we do,

No matter how hard we try,

A white piece of paper that has been stained,

Will never be white again.

We had a love that was once so pure and innocent,

Now reeks of corruption and wretchedness.

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